Headhunters Bogotá Colombia


blank comercial@tasa.com.co blank contactoweb@tasa.com.co blank(+57) 315 397 9665 / (+57) 315 366 8988


We contribute to the transformation of talent towards strategy

1. Planning / What am I looking for?

Customer knowledge and position profile

  • We start by understanding the strategy and culture of the organization.
  • Understanding of the position, main objective, responsibilities, challenges and expectations of its direct boss.
  • An ideal executive profile is constructed taking into account desired competences, work experience, academic background and specific knowledge.
2. Research and announcement / Where should I look?

Search and identification of prospects

  • Definition of the search strategy for each project. It includes identifying which target companies and sectors of the economy should be researched as sources of suitable candidates.
  • Search for prospects in our extensive national and international database and in networks (private, public and contacts in the sector).
  • Cold contacting to identify additional prospects to complete the search strategy.
  • First filter of CVs according to acid test (academy, experience, specific knowledge and language).
3. Evaluation and selection / What is the ideal talent for your organization?

Interviews, evaluations and candidate selection

  • Second filter of pre-selected prospects through telephone screening
  • Third filter: as a guide for the partner and the consultant, TASA supports its evaluation in a test portfolio that measures strategy, managerial profile, personality, reasoning, customer orientation, emotional intelligence, English proficiency, among others.
  • Fourth filter: individual interviews (face-to-face, whenever possible) with shortlisted candidates, conducted by a partner and a consultant, evaluating their management milestones, with proven achievements, in addition to competences.
  • Fifth filter: references (bosses, peers and collaborators) and background check, before candidates are presented.
  • Resumes of potential candidates are sent after the first week since the start of the search.
4. Finalists delivery / Who are the right candidates?
  • Selected finalists are presented to the client (on average, between 10 and 20 business days after the start of the search).
  • Delivery of preliminary reports, that include each candidate's strengths for the position and aspects in which he has a learning curve to work on; plus a brief diagnosis of the critical competences for the position and references.
5. Linking and development / How to extract the greatest potential of the selected candidate?
  • Support with coordination of interviews between the client and the candidates.
  • Support in the final election of the candidate and delivery of the offer
  • Delivery of a 360 ° reference report (bosses, peers and subordinates), including information about the last workplace.
  • Support during link-up process
  • Feedback session with the chosen candidate.
  • Closure of the process with notification and thanks to unselected candidates.
  • Development plan for the chosen candidate in order to close gaps and verify adaptation to their new organization, with periodic meetings.
  • We are committed to helping you find and develop the right candidate for any given position, which is why we offer a repeat search warranty for the hired candidate.

The satisfaction index in our search processes is over 94%; at TASA we give the extra mile and do a committed job until the last day.

TASA's mission is to always try to adjust to the needs of its customers and to support them with flexibility in the pursuit of their objectives.

Each talent assessment process is customized with our client's needs as a priority; and begins with understanding the strategy and culture of the organization. We create products tailored to your needs, in order to determine if the candidates evaluated will have a successful affiliation within the organization!


Photo of the person

  • Preparation of an evaluation plan.
  • Application of tests according to the profile.
  • Individual interviews (face-to-face and / or virtual) with candidates selected by the client, conducted by a multidisciplinary team, focusing on personality, life history, management milestones, results and competences.
  • Professional references.
  • Delivery of confidential reports, with candidate adjustment to the required profile and analysis of the results of the interviews, tests and references; including the strengths of the candidate, which are leveraged to help the candidates close their development gaps.

Why do an evaluation?

  • It allows an organization to identify high potential individuals and refocus its development and training budget in accordance with the results.
  • To identify successors to the company's key positions.
  • Useful tool for the management team to know what kind of talent it has and how it is distributed within the organization.

Why make an evaluation oriented towards the culture and strategy of the organization?

  • Development of hard and soft skills
  • Career planning
  • Mitigation of psychosocial risks

All our assessments are custom-built to meet your requirements

TASA creates products tailored to your needs!

Prepare your own menu according to the needs of your organization

Prepare your own menu according to the needs of your organization

Have you ever wondered, how is the talent distributed within my organization?


Nine Box: Canvas of strategic talent.

We place each executive in accordance with his potential and his contribution to their work teams, by using the Nine Box methodology to determine, among other factors, the successors to the company's key positions, through meticulously tailored development plans for your collaborators.

The objective of an intervention and continuity program is to develop the gaps in the competences of each executive through continuous work over time, which in turn allows for the generation of permanent habits.

Why is talent development so important? It allows you to...

  • Identify development objectives for each candidate.
  • Identify interest groups (bosses, peers, subordinates, suppliers, family, community, among others)
  • Plan activities to achieve development goals that involve your interest groups.
  • Measure the changes observed by applying questionnaires that are designed individually and exclusively for each executive and that are answered quarterly by those interest groups (360 °) very easily through an online platform.

Interest groups

How can I get the most out of my board of directors?

The objective of this consultancy is to form a high performance team whose collective value is much higher than the sum of each of its members. The focus is to add value to the company, ensure that it is on track to meet the vision and strategic objectives, ensure its optimal management and build an effective relationship with the CEO.

In today's corporate world there are essentially 5 types of Boards of Directors that range from passive to operational, as well as certifier, audit, committed and high performance.

The methodology that we use in TASA for the evaluation of Board of Directors consists primarily of each members’ self-evaluation, the evaluation of their peers (their other Board of Directors partners) and an evaluation carried out by TASA. These three inputs are quantified taking into account the fundamental aspects that are exposed in the following graph:

  • Each individual member’s contribution throughout the interaction they have in the course of the sessions.
  • Knowledge of key areas
  • Understanding of their Role within the Board
  • Quality of their contributions

Board of directors

The spirit of this evaluation is to identify how each member of the Board adds value, since it is not expected that everyone knows all the key areas or has experience with all functions. By having their strengths identified and by showing how all members can add value, TASA can do the analysis of the collegiate body as a whole unit, by highlighting its strengths and raising flags when there’s evidence of a key area or function not being covered by at least one of the members.

It is important to always remember: High-performance Boards of Directors must be aligned and focused on meeting the strategic objectives of the organization!

TASA has the tools to support you in carrying this out. Contact us.

(We seek and recommend members for Boards of Directors, with the objective of populating them with people who fill the gaps between the critical objectives and their capabilities, factors that directly affect the fulfillment of the short-term strategy).

Building leaders for the 21st century is a model and diagnostic tool that helps determine how senior executives of an organization exercise their leadership. It is based on the cutting-edge concepts of “the road to leadership”, “authentic leadership” and Positive Psychology that are currently part of the main curriculum at Harvard Business School.

It includes a diagnosis of each executive that is made through an online virtual platform, where bosses, peers, subordinates, customers, suppliers and the executives themselves will be asked to make an evaluation of their performance in key dimensions.

They answer questions that allow TASA to visualize the results of this diagnosis by departments, position level and other categories that are relevant to your company.

Key dimensions most used to design the diagnosis:

  • Strategic management.
  • Vision
  • Change management
  • Management and self development.
  • Happiness management
  • Management and team development.
  • Influence and negotiation
  • Communication
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Results orientation
  • Values, social responsibility and sustainability.


Dimensions (It starts from here) - This is the diagnosis


The goal is to make habits out of the behaviors that help close development gaps.

Are you interested in reducing the selection costs in your company?

Have you ever wondered how expensive it is to hire the wrong person?

Through a fixed rate that allows us to perform the partial or total search of your annual vacancies, you could rely on the team of expert headhunters and cutting-edge technology we provide at TASA. The natural consequence of allowing us to focus on this will be the gradual improvement of your human talent quality and rotation indicators, which in turn directly impact the management of the business and its strategy.

Invest your energy in the pursuit of your organizations’ goals and allows us to handle your selection and hiring needs.

  • We can assist you in discovering the true potential of your organization's talent.

At TASA we have the solution you’ve been looking for!

A TASA Worldwide Product

Our clients permanently highlight the excellent quality of professional references we deliver when we present candidates. Motivated by our interest in helping our clients have an easier time with their decision making when choosing candidates, we offer our professional reference taking service.

Do you want to ensure that strategy is met with the ideal talent in the correct positions?

Would you like to have your executives in a position within the organizational structure where they can make the best contributions to the business and in turn, allows them to flow in coherence with their greatest strengths, interests and career expectations?

TASA assists you in understanding what drives talent within your organization, to place it appropriately and thus generate results in a fluid manner within the shortest possible time.

Do not underestimate the effort and fatigue required to swim against the current. Let us help you identify a simpler route, one that you probably already have and are about to discover.

Do you want to know how talent is distributed within an area of the economy?

Are you interested in finding out if the salaries you are considering paying your employees fit the reality of the current market?

Have you identified which type of positions that can help you fill that empty vacancy that your business so desperately needs for the development of your business strategy?

TASA’s Research Division will help you find all these answers!

We will carry out a thorough analysis of the labor market, of the sectors of the economy and of the most competitive companies (usually the main source of suitable candidates), with the purpose of understanding the available market in greater depth, in relation to your critical positions. For us at TASA it is essential that you, our customers, have sufficient knowledge of the market in terms of the talent you are considering hiring.

1. Organizational culture

What is organizational culture and why is it important for your company?

Culture is the interaction of values, attitudes and behaviors shared by all members of a company or organization, in terms of people, structure, decision-making processes and control systems, which interact to produce forms of behavior and beliefs. (Cameron and Quinn).

The organizational culture is MEASURABLE and MANAGEABLE.

DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A CULTURE IN YOUR ORGANIZATION THAT ALLOWS YOU TO REACH YOUR STRATEGY? We help you identify your current culture, your required culture and the changes you need to make in order to reach your goals.

2. Change management

Organizational Change


Companies often engage in complex and detailed projects, investing suitable resources to their administration. However, it is proven that this is not enough to ensure a successful transformation!


We can increase the chances of success of your changes up to six times, by accompanying you through Consulting and / or Training in the most recognized and proven change management methodology in the world. PROSCI is present in more than 50 countries and is used by 80% of Fortune 100 companies. It has 20 years of research to support it, it’s easy to learn and is used to:

  • Evaluate the risk of the business, its projects and return on investment.
  • The promotion and legitimization of change.
  • Identification of interest groups and consolidation of teams for the transformation.
  • Communication and recognition strategies.
  • The sustainability of change over time.

According to John Kotter, there are few cases of transformation that can be described as "great successes", few as "total failures" and most fall somewhere in between, with a strong tendency towards failure.

3. Life balance

Organizational Change

Are you interested in having a more productive company?

Would you like to build a more modern and fair society, through equal opportunities and inclusion in your organization?

Are you interested in having happier employees, with a better quality of life and with a very clear perception of the well-being and benefits they receive from your company at a professional, personal and family level?

Are you interested in strengthening your company's reputation, its ability to attract talent, its climate and business excellence?

We help you foster and consolidate a social and business culture, based on flexibility, respect and mutual commitment between the company and its employees, through a life balance management system.

  1. leadership and leadership style,
  2. quality of employment,
  3. equal opportunities,
  4. temporal and spatial flexibility,
  5. professional development and family support.

The publication can be anonymous.

  • TASA publishes openings on its website and on its dedicated platform.
  • TASA only receives and sends the resumes of those who apply.
  • Our customer is responsible for the rest of the stages of the selection process (filters, telephone contact, interviews and hiring).

Publication and broadcasting can be anonymous.

  • TASA publishes openings on its website and on its dedicated platform.
  • The team at TASA broadcasts openings in internal and external networks.
  • TASA additionally and only, receives and sends the resumes of those who apply.
  • Our customer is responsible for the rest of the stages of the selection process (filters, telephone contact, interviews and hiring).

Publication, broadcasting and filtering can be anonymous

  • TASA publishes openings on its website and on its dedicated platform.
  • The team at TASA broadcasts openings in internal and external networks.
  • TASA is responsible for filtering resumes and selecting between 5-10 profiles that meet our customers’ requirements.
  • TASA delivers a comparative document of the selected candidates.
  • Our customer is responsible for the rest of the stages of the selection process (telephone contact, interviews and hiring).

We focus on understanding the strategy and getting to know the business and its strategic objectives, in order to understand the critical processes and the appropriate organizational structure. Where TASA actively participates and adds value is in aligning talent and culture to that structure; and, since it is already aligned to the strategy, you get the results expected by your organization. To achieve this, we evaluate talent and support its development, pivoting it so that it manages to meet the strategic goals.

We aspire to LEAVE OUR MARK and be partners to all our customers, collaborating with our shared business vision.


We seek and develop talent in an integral fashion: with technical knowledge, soft skills, experience, with social responsibility and the commitment to contribute to a better society. WE GIVE THE EXTRA MILE so that the talent is in line with the culture of the organization, so that it flows naturally and authentically. Our responsibilities at TASA are carried out with the utmost transparency: we expose each executive to all the strengths, challenges and leadership style of the organization and vice versa. The idea is to contribute to team growth, because together and walking in the same direction WE ARE MORE AND WE ACHIEVE MUCH MORE.
In other words, our TASA factor is that we strive to continuously build up relationships between organizations and executives that happily allow them to enjoy their journey together.

Not only according to us, but according to what our customers tell us. They often place particular emphasis on the excellent quality of references we deliver and praise the personalized follow-up guidance service we offer.

What kind of profiles do we select?

We seek and select the best qualified professionals in the market, who have the capacity to align with the culture and strategies of a given organization to which they aspire to belong; and are also ready to face and solve the challenges that will allow them to leave their mark in every way: economic, social and environmental, through their commitment, proactivity, empathy, transparency and results orientation.
We offer a consultancy built on more than virtual tests and the massive mailing of resumes, supported by our extensive experience in all sectors of the economy and in various areas of knowledge such as business analytics, big data, circular economy, sustainable development, to name just a few.


Please select one of the following options so that together we can find what you’re looking for

Looking for talent


Looking for new opportunities


If you feel that your professional profile is aligned with one of our openings, please send your CV to contactoweb@tasa.com.co


If you feel that your professional profile is aligned with one of our openings, please send your CV to contactoweb@tasa.com.co

Para iniciar, debes registrarte como usuario:

If you feel that your professional profile is aligned with one of our openings, please send your CV to contactoweb@tasa.com.co using as subject line the name of the position you are applying to.

We offer professionals assistance with their career transition process. Our goal is to support them in achieving an optimal return to the labor market.

Learn more about this service here. Here.

To give you the information you are looking for, please fill in your contact information.

Gracias. Tu solicitud ha sido enviado.

Nuestro interés es apoyarte en buscar las mejores oportunidades que te permitan desarrollarte profesional y personalmente, alineádas con tu PROPÓSITO.

For TASA it will be a pleasure to assist you. Contact us at comercial@tasa.com.co


While we send you the information about the service you requested, you may click aqui to learn more about it..

For TASA it will be a pleasure to assist you. Contact us at comercial@tasa.com.co

We are experts in the search for talent.

We start from an understanding of your organization's strategy and culture to then evaluate candidates according to this understanding.
Learn about it in detail here. here.

We accelerate the growth process of Executives within your organization, in order to support them in the construction of their career plan and to achieve the proposed development objectives.
Learn about it in detail here.

Where is the talent that your organization is looking for located?
TASA presents it in a clear way to facilitate, through the use of information, your decision making.

Learn about our value proposition Aquí.

To give you the information you are looking for, please fill in your contact information.

Gracias. Tu solicitud ha sido enviado.

¿Estas registrado?

TASA Worldwide. All rights reserved, 2019. Powered by Tiger BID blank

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Linked to the Public Employment Office. Authorized by the Special Administrative Unit of the Public Employment Service.
TASA Worldwide S.A. Resolution 0020, 2021. See authorization regulation.

Interested people in applying for a vacancy published in the Public Employment Office, please send your resume to: spe@tasa.com.co indicating the position to which you are applying as the subject line. See our data processing agreement.

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